Best Tips To Cure Cystitis



. 2 min read


The Cystitis is an infection caused particularly in the urinary section. The Cystitis occurs in both males and females. however, the cases of Cystitis occurs more among women than men. The Cystitis is not actually a serious kind of disease, however, it can be very uncomfortable and irritating for the person who is suffering through this.

The bacterial infection has been the most common causes of Cystitis infection. Usually, this infection gets cured within 7 to 8 days. However, if the infection extends beyond 9 days, then it is recommended that you consult a doctor. There are even some of the natural and home remedies that one can do to cure the Cystitis.

Here We Will See Some Of The Tips To Cure The Cystitis


1. Drink More Water:

If you want to cure the Cystitis naturally or want to avoid this infection, then you should drink at least 2-3 liters of water each day normally. In the summer season, increase the amount to 4-5 liters each day. Water will help keep your temperature at a normal level and keep you hydrated. Instead of drinking more water after long hours, do drink a fair amount of water after regular hours.

2. Avoid Drinking Alcohol And Citrus Juices:

Drinking too much alcohol will create lots of complications for the person suffering from Cystitis. So, drinking less alcohol or avoiding alcohol totally is always recommended. The juice of fruits like lemon, orange, lime contains the citrus content, which can affect the Cystitis adversely. So, do avoid drinking these fruit juices which may create more problems for you.

3. Going Toilet Immediately When Needed:

Do not try to control going to the toilet, do go in the toilet immediately whenever needed. Otherwise, it will affect your infected area more on these occasions. Also, do try to empty your bladder fully after doing the toilet, otherwise it will cause irritation after some time. Try to keep that area clean as much as possible. This will surely give you fewer problems.

4. Drink More Cranberry Juice And Eat Vitamin-C Rich Food:

The cranberry juice is very nice to cure the infection Cystitis. This will keep your body clean and cool. This will also help to avoid the future problems of the Cystitis. The intake of Vitamin C rich food is also recommended making the infection part in better condition. The foods like tomatoes, green leafy vegetables are very good in the Vitamin C content. Try to intake more foods which are rich in these contents.

5. Maintain A Proper Hygiene Level:

Improper maintenance of the hygiene level is also another cause for the infection of the Cystitis. Whenever you are suffering through Cystitis, do take care that you always take a bath when you come from outside.

Also, do take care that whenever you have a bath, you should dry up the urinal part totally to avoid additional bacterial infection. Maintain all these hygienic things properly. These are some of the home remedies that you can do, to cure the Cystitis. These remedies may not work immediately, however, it will slowly cure your infection slowly.

Yoga To Cure Cystitis Or Urinary Problems


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